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Recruitment of House Surgeons in District Hospitals(DH)/Sub-divisional Hospitals(SDH) Punjab State

Facility Details

District Dispensary Name Dispensary NIN Latitude Longitude Category Type
Ifsc Name of the Bank Branch Name Account Number Complete Address of Bank

General Infrastructure Details

1. Is the facility accessible through road ? if No(i),Mention Issue 2. What is the nearest higher health facilty if yes, then Distance with the selected HWC if Yes,Name of the Nearest higher health facilty Contact No of Nearest Health Facility.
3. Name of Identified officer for regular monitoring/feedback. Designation of Identified officer Contact No of Identified officer 4. Is there a signage/way-finding of the facility at a prominent place 5. Is the facade branding as per HWC Norms available at the facility(ii) If No/Not Installed or Damaged, Please Mention Issue
6. Does the facility require any repair ? If Yes , Mention Repair Work Details of Repair Work 7. Can this facility (Infrastructure) be upgraded in the pattern HWC? If No, Mention Reason
8. Does the facility require any renovation ? if Yes, Share Renovation Details 9. Does the facility require whitewash ? if Yes - Share Details (facility require whitewash) 10. Is there a boundary-wall around the facility 11. If available, Harbal/Garden Area Maintained
12. Is there adequate parking available ? 13. Is your facility elderly and differntly-abled friendly ? if yes (facility elderly and differntly-abled friendly) 14. Does your facility have a working wheelchair 15. Does your facility have electricity connection
16. Total number of functional fans, tube-lights, bulbs, air-conditioner in the facility 17. Total number of Non-functional fans, tube-lights, bulbs, air-conditioner in the facility 18. Is there a power backup available at the facility Number of Invertor and Generator Available 19. Is there a functional water cooler/R.O./water dispenser available in the facility If Yes (water cooler/R.O./water dispenser) ,Mention monthly charges for refilling
Total Functional Fans- 0
Total Tube Lights- 0
Total Bulbs- 0
Total AC- 0
Total Other Electrical Gadget- 0
Total Non-Functional Fans- 0
Total Non-Functional Total Lights- 0
Total Non-Functional Bulbs- 0
Total Non-Functional AC- 0
Total Non-Functional Other Electrical Gadget- 0
Total Invertor-,
Total Invertor-,
Inverter/Generator Functioning-
20. Is the fire-safety equipment/cylinders available? If yes, Is the cylinder filled If No (cylinder filled) mention Issues Is the staff trained to use them If No (staff trained) mention Issues If yes, has the expiry been checked
If No (expiry been checked) mention Issues If No (fire-safety equipment/cylinders) mention Issues 21. Is the facility prepared for any Disaster/Emergency If Yes (prepared for any Disaster/Emergency) 22. Are there seperate washrooms for male,female and differntly-abled person
Functional Strecther-No
Functional Wheel Chair-No
Emergency Medicine Tray-No
IV Fluids-No
Functional Oxygen Cylinders-No
Male - No,
Female - No,
Differently-abled person - - No,
23. Is the bio-medical management system in place at the facility if yes(bio-medical management system ) if yes(bio-medical management system )
Vendor -,
Payment Mode -,
Charges -
Frequency of lifting the waste monthly -,
Validity of contract-,
Are you following the color coding and bin-system -,

Infrastructure Details

24. What is the total number of rooms in the facility 25. Doctor Room - Is there a table for the doctor If No, Mention Issue Is there a chair for the doctor in the doctor room If No, Mention Issue Is there an examination table in the doctor room If No, Mention Issue

Total Room-0
Doctor Room-0
Pharmacy Room-0
Lab Room-0
Waiting Room-0
Storage Room-0
Other Room-0
Does the room have a functional Air-conditioning If No, Mention Issue Doctor Room - items available for use from the tool-kit 26. Waiting Room - Is the sitting arrangement adequate for 20 people or more If No, Mention how many available Is any health related IEC displayed in waiting room Is the Citizen Charter displayed
27. Sampling Room - Is there a functional basin with water Sampling Room - functional basin with water If No, Mention Issue Is there sitting arrangement for the staff and the patient Sitting arrangement for the staff and the patient If No, Mention Issue Arrangement for Bio-Medical Waste Disposal Sampling Room - Bio-Medical Waste Disposal If No, Mention Issue
28. Pharmacist Room - Is there sitting arrangement for the staff Pharmacist Room - Is there sitting arrangement No - Mention Issue Pharmacist Room - Availability of Storage Facility 29. Electrical Gadgets - Is there a functional fridge/cold storage/ILR/deep-freezer?

Total Almirah- 0
Total Racks- 0
Total Shelves- 0
Total Cabinet- 0
Total Others- 0

Fridge- 0
Coldstorage- 0
ILR- 0
Deep Freezer- 0
Upload Pre-Assessment Pictures - Outdoor Upload Pre-Assessment Pictures - Areas requiring repair or renovation Upload Pre-Assessment Pictures - Toilets Upload Pre-Assessment Pictures - All Rooms Upload Pre-Assessment Pictures - Others
Infrastructure Remarks

Human Resource Details

1. Total Number of AMO Available at present at the facility 2. Total Number of Upvaid avialable at the facility 3. Total no of Sweeper/Helper/Class-4 available at the facility 4. Total no of Trained DAI available at the facility 5. Total no of Other Staff available at the facility
6. Is the iHRMS implemented in your facility 7. Are the Job Descriptions for all the categories of staff definied? Job Descriptions(If No) Details 8. Is performance assessment being conducted for all category of staff? If No, Mention Categories for which assessment not defined.
Total Number of UMO avialable at the facility (If the Dispensary is Unani) Human Resource Remarks


1. No. of Drugs to be made available as per norms? 2. How many drugs are available at present 3. Any Other drug Available? 4. Any specific drug requirement
Drugs Remarks

IT Capacity Details

Does the facility have functional computer/desktops/tablets at the facility Total Computer Total Tablet Mention Issues If No, functional computer/desktops/tablets Is there an active internet connection avialable? Wi-FI set up Type
Wi-FI set up Charges Mention Issues If No,functional Wi-FI set up Is there a functional printer Is the printer connected with the computer/desktops/tabs Mention Issues If No,functional printer
IT Remarks

Budget/Finance Assessment

Is the District Health Society formed Mention Issues If No,Is the District Health Society formed Is the Monitoring/Supervision Committee formed Mention Issues If No,Is the Monitoring/Supervision Committee formed SDM Name SDM Name Contact No
Detail of the Identified officer for regular monitoring/feedback- Name Identified officer- Designation Identified officer- Contact No Is the excutive agency identified Is Administrative unit identified Name of executive agencies identified for each block
Are the estimates prepared as per the standard plan If Yes - Estimates prepared standard plan (Rough Cost Rs) If Yes - Upload Rough Cost Estimate Plan
Have the sanction limits being given Is Zero balance account openend in Bank of Baroda DAO Name DAO Contact No Issue of 20% Mobilisation advance
If Yes, Mention Date - 20% Mobilisation advance 20% physical progress of work achieved If Yes, Mention Date - 20% physical progress of work achieved Issue of 50% of the estimate If Yes, Mention Date -Issue of 50% of the estimate Utilisation of 70% funds/ Submission of UC
If Yes, Mention Date - Utilisation of 70% funds/ Submission of UC Issue of 30% of funds If Yes, Mention Date -Issue of 30% of funds Submission of complete UC (within 2 months of release of final instalment of funds) If Yes, Mention Date - Submission of complete UC
Budget/Finance Remarks

Entry User Details (District - )

Entry User Name Entry User Designation Entry User mobile

Application Status(Send to State/Send Back)

If Send Back then Mention Issues
Application Status - Entry User/Nodal Officer
Application Status - State Level

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